This unexpected situation has turned the world upside down, to say the least. Our busy lives have come to a screeching halt, and there is little we can do about it but look for the silver lining. However, every person has a different approach to being quarantined. Our roles and responsibilities have grown as well as transformed over the past two months and given rise to some classic quarantine characters we are observing.
A new perspective comes with discovering new dimensions to yourself. And we have all sure uncovered new sides to our personality with these lockdown activities.
But what have you been doing the most of? Whatever it is, you are not alone. Here are six types of people during the quarantine. You may see yourself in one or a little bit of all. So, let’s get into it!
Here are 6 classic quarantine characters you just can’t ignore!
The Insta-live addict
Social media has become our only way to socialize, to connect. With the incredible rise of social media, use comes the much expected Insta-live moments. Whether you have a large following or one that’s just limited to your friends, you like going ‘live’, or you don’t, there’s no in-between.
These classic quarantine characters who like going live are mostly outspoken, extroverted and friendly. There’s a lot that can go wrong during an Insta-live and someone who isn’t all that outgoing will definitely not be comfortable with it. We know at least one or two people in our friends’ circle like this and sometimes that someone is you!

The Covid-19 denier
The virus was made in a lab and this is all a hoax! There are always conspiracy theorists out there who tend to question everything, which is definitely an excellent quality to have. But when all the information on mainstream media seems skewed, and we don’t know who to trust, it’s better to not conclude on anything, for the time being.
Also read: Why women seem less shellacked than men do: Jaw-Dropping COVID-19 Facts
These classic quarantine characters talk about 5G, Bill Gates being a mastermind, or this pandemic being planned by the world’s elite. It only takes one slip to fall down the rabbit hole but with free time comes great responsibility. Only time will tell if these accusations are right, but until then we love listening to what you have to say. To each their own right?

The productivity freak
Ah, the go-getter, the goal-setter, the over-achiever. These are the people who study all night for their exams and whose assignment everyone copies. They are continually achieving and totally unapologetic about it. You will find these classic quarantine characters exercising, learning a new skill or a new language or just plain killing it at work.
These are the inspirational, balls of energy. They’re here to make the best of this situation and HOW. If you ever run out of things to do, you know where to look for some inspiration. If that person is you, keep going! You are the light of lockdown.

The stay-at-home chef
Staying home the whole day sure can make you feel hungry, always. And some people just don’t like ordering in all the time. So, they try something new in the kitchen every day, and they let everyone know through their Instagram stories with their aesthetic food pictures.
From fancy Crème Brulee and cookies to delicious dal and chicken – these classic quarantine characters sure know how to make us drool. They make us want to get healthier and creative, once we stop drooling over their pictures, of course. Well, if it’s true what they say, that food is happiness then these are some of the happiest people out there. Can you relate?

The Tik-Tokers, the party rockers
The one app that we swore not to download has now made its way to everyone’s phones. If you’re one of these classic quarantine characters and you’re just there for the laughs, you can’t help but sit on this entertaining app for hours. That’s the beauty of technology during Covid-19.
Some love to do the dances, and some are crazy about the voiceovers – whatever you’re into, there’s something for everyone on this app. Especially when the world seems so disconnected, and social distancing can sometimes feel isolating, this app makes it a point to give the viewer a giggle and a smile. It can uplift you in an instant! So, are you the viewer, the creator, or have you just chosen to stay away from this app altogether and just binge-watch movies instead?

The kindness soldiers
And lastly, there are the ones who are just here to spread a smile on your face. Whether it’s with silly jokes, hilarious selfies or relatable memes – this set of classic quarantine characters just know how to uplift you. They see the bright side in every situation, and they make sure you see it too.
Every time they text you, or you see their stories on social media, they’re always spreading kindness with a side of smiles. It’s people like this we need more of – with or without quarantine. Does this resonate with you? Or did someone else come to mind when you read this?

Well, there you have it! Some quarantine personalities we all have observed so far. We all share a little bit of all of these, but which one do you relate to most? We hope you’re staying home and staying safe. Because after all, these differences may dissolve, but we’re all going through the same thing, at the end of the day.
Let’s stay supportive and positive and hope that this all blows over soon. Here’s to us facing the unknown as a collective and here’s to all the professionals on the frontlines. We got this!