What’s the Difference Between a Human and an Animal?
That answer may seem quite obvious. Humans build cities, use smartphones, binge watch movies, drive cars and fly rockets into outer space while animals sit on the earth, eating, sleeping and procreating.
What then should we see so unique in these seemingly mindless animals to consider coexisting with them?
The answer to the question “can humans and animals coexist peacefully” lies beneath our clouded egocentric veils that deceivingly cover our most significant underlying difference from the animals – “Consciousness”.
This word places us over the top of the chain in our demeanour. We are capable of using our consciousness to transform reality.
We develop vaccines to save millions of lives and fly to the moon and back. We have an impact far greater on this planet than our primates can even imagine.
But expanded consciousness came with a flipside too, making us feel like we exist outside of nature. So we built weapons of mass destruction and single-handedly destroyed the earth’s atmosphere instead of building a society where humans and animals can coexist peacefully.
Though us humans have an impact far more considerable, we can transform material reality through practices and this invisible landscape we call the social world. We are not just intelligent beings who found a better use for the thumb than most animals; we are capable of rationality, creativity, empathy, and love. So, let’s answer the question – can humans and animals coexist?
Here’s How We Can Do Our Bit to Ensure Humans and Animals Coexist Peacefully!
Care for the animals around you
This might be one of the most basic yet effective ways to care for the animals around you. Got extra food lying around? Don’t let it go to waste. If it’s still good, head out and feed any strays you may find.
Your leftovers can be their nourishment. So, the next time you cook a little too much, you know what to do. And besides, their happiness is priceless.

Setting up bird feeders in your garden or balcony is another way to ensure humans and animals coexist peacefully.
With the rise in urbanization comes a decline in flora. And birds depend on these flowers and trees for some respite from the sun. If you have a balcony or garden. In your home, set up a simple bird feeder with some water and it could save their life!
Adopt don’t shop
There are a very high number of animals out there without a home. Although owning an animal that is of an elite breed can stroke the ego and boost your image, the sad truth is that these animals are bred solely for human ownership.

The animals out there that have been abandoned are the ones that really need your help. So when we adopt, we give the homeless animals some refuge, and we decrease the mindless breeding of innocent animals and make sure that humans and animals coexist peacefully.
Use Cruelty-Free Products
Check the labels for products that test on animals. There is no practice crueler than testing on innocent animals. So, make sure you’re aware of what you purchase.

This huge problem can be eradicated simply by switching your product of choice, and this small decision can go a long way. No animal should suffer due to our choices, instead, we should find more ways where humans and animals coexist peacefully.
Spread awareness
Nothing is more important than spreading your message to others who may not pay as much attention. Your empathetic attitude towards animals can inspire someone to feel the same way and take action required to make sure our society is safe for animals too.

You don’t have to carry signboards or shout it from the rooftops. Your mere actions and words in conversation may change minds and shape perspectives so that humans and animals coexist peacefully.
Cultivate compassion
The core of it all is to cultivate compassion! Once this becomes your natural state, you will find ways to ensure every animal you encounter leaves a little happier. Pet them, feed them, show them, love. When humans and animals coexist peacefully, animals thrive form human interaction, and we are uplifted by it too.

Try one or try all, just make sure you exercise your empathy over your ego. Animals may not have much to say, but they have evolved along with us and are as many residents of the earth as we are. They deserve to be here as much as we do. They deserve to live a free, loving and happy life too. So, how are you caring for an animal today?