Spiders can be found in nearly every earthbound habitat, hanging around on their stunning spider web. What are the intricacies of this miraculous web? Let’s find out!
Spiders can be found in nearly every earthbound habitat, hanging around on their stunning spider web. What are the intricacies of this miraculous web? Let’s find out!
We, humans, are a tremendously complicated system. Every neuron in our brains is as complicated as the city of New York. It is dazzling to know that the connections found in just a centimeter cube of brain tissue are comparable to the number of stars in our galaxy. As much a wonder as a stark contributor of the many illusions of the human brain.
What does Lana Del Rey feel about the criticisms of her music? She made it very clear one evening and the people clapped back!
As society progresses, it becomes most important to remember than animals have evolved with us and they are much a part of this earth as we are! So here’s how we can ensure that humans and animals coexist peacefully!
This unexpected and uncalled for pandemic has turned the world upside down, to say the least. Our busy lives have come to a screeching halt and there is little we can do about it but look for the silver lining. However, every person has a different approach to being quarantined. Our roles and responsibilities have grown as well as transformed over the past two months and given rise to some classic quarantine characters we are observing.