So is it riveting us all and how inquisitive are we about what relates COVID-19 and gender biases? What Jaw-Dropping COVID-19 facts about women, we know? Is it something biological, behavioral, social, or what? How closely is gender disparity and COVID-19 related? Is it possible that men are more shellacked by the monsters of the era, COVID-19? This might seems an injustice based on gender, right? Or say the nature biased towards one gender?
It startles a lot in mind, to be honest, but there’s a lot to understand about it. Through there is no particularly a legit report because of the least availability of authentic sex. There is still a large chunk of the database available on the web which is authentically in the form of research papers on how COVID-19 has shown region-specific hints on gender disparity. Most of the affected countries are dealing with the pandemic by the World Health Organisation, which keeps observing and monitoring the cases.
We don’t claim it to be an establishment of a notion because a lot is undergoing research and studies but still, as of now, whatever the whole world has witnessed generally, we’re giving you here a broad and straightforward view to it. Women across the globe have the majority of informal caregivers, be it in the family or society; they are more exposed to covid19. But still, on a macroscopic scale drifting across continents, it could be concluded on how COVID-19 is less likely to shellac women that it does to men.
Why women seem less shellacked than men do: Jaw-Dropping COVID-19 Facts
1. The X factor
Women have more robust immune by the biology they got. Their immune system is aggressive than that of men who have the X factor. Yes! Because women got two X chromosomes in their genetics, whereas the men got just one. So this X chromosome, according to the scientists and the medical experts, plays an essential role in setting up the immunity of a body.
The proteins on the X chromosomes play a pivotal role in the immunity system, which in women, reveals itself two times than that of men because of two X chromosomes. Studies, specifically in cases of viruses, have been appropriately analyzed and experimented, eg. HIV, hepatitis C in which immune response of women is more reliable than the men.
Cytokines, too, have been found to play a significant role in the strengthening of lung tissues and walls. Such studies are pretty much substantial in learning this particular fact which brings an emphasis on what we call: The X Factor.

2. The Balls
A recently conducted research by the team of Indian experts, it is scientifically proven that coronavirus lingers primarily on the testicles of males because the area of testicles is out of the range of immunity in the body of males. Proliferating from the testicles the virus lives well and then finds its way randomly in the entire body.
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A part of the study also majorly focusses on the period concerning virus clearance. It was found and later proven that virus clearance is women get over in days lesser than in the case of men. Whereas the women got no testicles and their full-body exists in the range of their immune system.
The study has done by a mother-daughter duo, Dr. Jayanthi Shastri, and Dr. Aditi Shastri. The survey done is available on MeRixix, which hosts the research papers and still need pertinent approval for global recognition. Most often the unpublished research papers are availed here on MeRixix, but again, this specific paper became a media sensation. Let’s see where it goes after being reviewed.
3. Smoking
With the example of China where 50% of men smoke, and only 5% of the women do so, following the studies worldwide it’s well known that the women in many countries got less number of smokers among then than that among the men.

Smoking is detrimental to the human body, and it makes quite an influence on results after infection of covid19, caught by the body especially if there are pre-existing medical or say health conditions like heart, lung, cancer, respiratory diseases, etc. Such conditions make covid19 turn detrimental to higher degrees within the body which may cause death even.
Even in some European countries, where the numbers of smokers among men and women are indifferent, the mortality of men by covid19 remains higher also if lukewarm numbers of covid19 cases may be visible among the men and women. It suggests pretty well that in some cases, despite the women being smokers, the women are more likely to be escaped from death biologically.
4. Living Standards
The cases of high blood pressure, exposure to severe clinical diseases, and general behaviors such as alcohol consumption are more likely to be found among men than in women. Most of the practices of men which make them vulnerable to covid19 are specifically from the very fancies of the traditional male-dominated societies.

It all leads to a high probability of setting up comorbidities, whether intentionally or unintentionally, which results in severe complications associated with amplifying the vulnerability towards the monster of the era.
So much living standards have to be controlled to higher degrees and abandoned where the need to be, for the men to be safe. It doesn’t mean that women must go carelessly because the current impact of a pandemic doesn’t have to be taken for granted, of course.
5. Exclusion
There’s a social stigma attached to women exclusion in medical researches across the world. While they are in their childbearing age, this creates a tenet that prevents them from such diseases. Testosterone and estrogen are significant in the modulation of the whole immune system, which draws a pretty much difference among men and women.
From time immemorial, women have been differentiable from the physically intensive skilled jobs and more of outdoor engagement which sometimes may mean less exposure to the work detrimental to health. In contrast, men are found more in such actions.
6. Outdoor Engagement
In many countries like India is one of them, in the male-dominated societies men have been more engaged in outdoor activities, be it shopping, essential services, etc. than the women. Women are mostly staying indoors, because of which the men have been more actively vulnerable to the pandemic than the women could.
Though the women working on front lines are not to be ignored, but they’re still lesser in numbers than the men, because of the male-dominated sectors serving as in essential services stated. Hence, more proximity to outdoor engagement could be one of the major factors for more vulnerability towards COVID-19. The soaring numbers in men are an example of the treat it impregnates!

So, after going through it, you must understand that in a society of this era which is much polarised based on gender, we need to be careful with whatever role we play in our lives and the community. Nevertheless, The world is going to be changed but being careful, cautious, and conscious is never outdated. We must feed ourselves with the latest information to overcome this pandemic in the best ways possible for us.
The differences that pre-exist between us in terms of gender jeopardy needs immediate bridging. We need to mitigate the sufferings of humanity by possibly given our best in every situation. We need to develop and boost our immune systems, be conscious and careful about health, take precautions, and be motivated to overcome the challenges brought to us by this monster of the era.

Also, we must contribute and serve society with whatever we can and support the people from all walks of life. Gender polarization mustn’t be a hurdle to stand for each other or makeup stereotypes. We all need to be equally careful.
Whatever role you play, being vigilant, and staying safe is necessary!
Hence the following were some of the jaw-dropping COVID-19 facts riveting on how women are less likely shellacked than men do.
Stay safe! Stand strong! More power to all of you! Keep following our portal for the feed regarding this pandemic and the crisis. You may also check out the positive impact of technologies on COVID-19 and a lot more…